Travel to your favourite places


We would like to wish all of our members a good return to travel!

We know how tough these times have been on so many, so you deserve those trips to your favourite places after such a long period where both travellers and hosts were so disconnected.

We are delighted to see that many so hosts have taken this time of inactivity to upgrade their properties, and we were glad to guide many of you to switch to more sustainable means of hosting and to improve on systems both in and outside your properties.

One of the most striking changes has been the switch to health and wellbeing, both physically and mentally.

Many accommodations are now offering services in wellness and have become more involved in the community by providing activities which promote more contact with nature in an eco-friendly environment.

Congratulations to you all for persevering and keeping your premises open, despite the hardship of the situation.

We wish you all the very best for the coming season.